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3,679 JSO18
@Tweedle_Aerospace I do not know how much this will help, but try turning up stability modifier in advanced part settings on your hinge rotators.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@Tweedle_Aerospace my head just cant understand that english today lol sorry
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Chtite451SR2 the landing legs fold perpendicular to the rocket without me telling them to. If the whole thing doesn’t blow up then they will go back down after relaunching it.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Chtite451SR2 They don’t break though, they “fold” up. The problem is that the hinge isn’t strong enough to hold the weight.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@Tweedle_Aerospace mabye they colapse, but if you do a little xml edit, (preventbreaking false chage to true) it shouldnt break, plus you can put springs on it, a user im collaborating with made custom legs with pistons and shocks
5,241 Kuiper0
I just angle normal landing legs. They seem to work, and look better than usual. See Galileo Superheavy Hopper for an example.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
@Chtite451SR2 pistons always collapse. The one that I am working on right now though is very similar to iSpaces legs. But mine folded up on landing and then collectively sprung the booster up at 20 m/s. It was quite amazing until it exploded!
@JSO18 never thought of that thanks