Why the hell does almost everybody here seem under the age of 15? I'm getting a but tired and annoyed seeing
A) Multiple posts and questions about the exact same things. Do you guys ever READ the posts made by Andrew?
B) Almost no discipline. Not that this place is toxic, but people here seem t have almost no sense for proper ettiquette. I just saw a guy make 5 messages just to @ other people.
C) People don't really know how things, well, work. I saw a person that thought Pangea will be around when the universe is 43.9 Billion years old. I saw a person that thought CAR GASOLINE could be used as rocket fuel. Please, folks, if you're going to post, at least read up a bit.
D) The thing that bothers me the most. People asking Andrew if the game will be free. ITS NOT GOING TO BE FREE. Andrew and his team are working for months on end on this game, and you expect it to be FREE? Some people just take things for granted so much, they expect everything to be free. If you want a space game for free, go pirate KSP. It's not that hard.

I know some people will say "I'm younger than 15 and I don't act like that" or "Not everybody acts like that." I'm sure that there are exceptions. People like MrTaco, for example, who are respectful to the community and are not a pain in the neck. But if you're so insecure that you need to flat out say "I don't act like that," chances are you do.
Rant over.

Link to the FAQ: https://www.simplerockets.com/Forums/View/496/SimpleRockets-2-FAQ

Link to the "official unnofficial FAQ" : https://www.simplerockets.com/Forums/View/895/Official-Unofficial-FAQ

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    To the people saying that I can't control people, you're exactly right. I can't. That's why this is called "Small Rant", rather than "We need to change"

    To the people that say I'm taking this community too seriously, I'm sorry. This is just a bit less ordered of a community than I'm used to, and maybe I will have to change. That won't stop me from making my opinion heard, however.

    To those who say that gasoline can e used as a very crappy rocket fuel, I suppose you're right. It would, however, not be tuned to the rocket's needs and would most likely be very inefficient

    @goboygo1 I bring you this comment (which is actually for a good purpose, mind you) : this

    @Awsomur Yes, I do admit that the car gasoline thing was probably a joke, but it has been getting harder and harder to distinguish between jokes and seriousness these days

    6.9 years ago
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    759 Jerba

    Also, some of these ideas like car gasoline as fuel is actually smart.

    6.9 years ago
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    759 Jerba

    You can't control what we ask, as you are one and we are many, we do this stuff because this is a website for posting stuff (soon, rockets.) also kids like this stuff.

    6.9 years ago
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    588 Awsomur

    Sometimes people are just trying to be funny. The car gasoline thing? I’d say with almost total certainty that that was a intended to be sarcastic. So, no offense intended, try to loosen up a little bit. This isn’t NASA, this is just a game.

    6.9 years ago
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    @JoshMan Unfortunately not, I suppose with every good thing there also comes ignorance

    6.9 years ago
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    .... true, true.@JoshMan

    6.9 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    We should be nice to the kids. If they ask questions that have been asked before, either kindly redirect them to the FAQ or just tell them the answer. If they say things that are wrong give them a link to an article that explains the subject or simply explain why they’re wrong. If they are being annoying kindly tell them to stop. If they don’t stop; just ignore them.
    I actually enjoy answering their questions and helping them better understand things.

    Remember, they’re just kids. You were them once.
    I’m 18

    +4 6.9 years ago
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    Chill, also, car gas? As rocket fuel? Seriously?
    You’re right though, some people really need to read up.

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    @AN2Felllla if that wasn't meant ironically, that's just kinda sad...

    6.9 years ago
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    100 goboygo1

    to explain part of example B, you can't tag more than three people in a comment at once or it doesn't work. or do you mean the same person more than once?

    6.9 years ago
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    Shut up. Speak to yourself.

    6.9 years ago
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    100 apfel33

    @Bmcclory They fuse hydrogen and oxygen together in order to produce electricity, then that runs an electric motor, simmular to the Apollo spacecrafts power system. These type of cars would be more efficrnt to run then an electric car because hydrgen has a higher energy density than the modt efficient batteries. But imagine getting Speedway to install hydrogen tanks.

    6.9 years ago
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    532 JoshMan

    Thanks for the link to the 2nd FAQ! I agree with what you say here, but the problem is, for as long as there are technically challenging games (where you have to play the tutorial to have fun later) there will be kiddies wanting it auto rendezvous to make everything easier. Not much can be done to stop them on the free web

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    100 apfel33

    @Bmcclory Thats a thing, they have cars that run off of hydrogen and oxygen already.

    6.9 years ago
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    118 OwO


    6.9 years ago
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    100 apfel33

    Well, you can theoretically use gas as a rocket fuel, but it wouldn't be that good, burns to quick.

    6.9 years ago
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    i'm 21

    6.9 years ago
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    @PhantomHawke as @Bmcclory said, read my final comment

    6.9 years ago
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    I'm am quite young. Yet more mature than one 14 year old cough cough, yet it's not about age. It's about maturity as Bmcclory said. Not saying I've never done anything and I'm an angel but I'm quite respectfull. And I still have the phantom hawker account here xD I should really become holy and evil

    6.9 years ago


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