I made this myself!

  1. Make fuel tanks that look like what you want your capsule to look like.
  2. Then attach panels to the bottom one and rotate it to to match the side of the fuel tank above
  3. Make panels about the height of the fuel tank it is next to
  4. Keep doing this all the way up
  5. Make a transparent strut that goes up the middle and use tinkering to make it weight less
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    @JSO18 yea, sucks that fuel tanks aren’t circular but it works! I was having problems doing it that way so I just did this.

    4.2 years ago
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    3,679 JSO18

    @Tweedle_Aerospace I never thought to trace fuel tanks. That is a cool idea. The way I did it was I made one “slice” of wall for every side of the fuel tank at the bottom (if you look closely, the fuel tanks are not actually circular on the sides. There are just many short straight lines.) I then made increasingly smaller pieces on top of each other curving into the middle, then I radially cloned it around the whole thing.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    3,679 JSO18

    @Chtite451SR2 I used cargo bays for my jet, but when I made a capsule with interior I wanted to be able to add windows and a hatch, so I used panels. Panels are better for more detail.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    11.5k Chtite451SR2

    i just go cargo bays but that works too

    4.2 years ago


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