Hello, so I have a question and have googled far and wide and can only find generic questions and answers.
Under capsule, command chips, cockpits it has replicate AG: all, none, changes. What does that do? I'm looking to have all the above use the same AG. Can't figure it out, and there is a bunch crafts on one rocket.
part two: in the same section it has other functions that I can again find little info on other then release notes. One is replicate commands. (Or something like that) how does that work?
Very interested in that entire section and would love a more detailed explanation on all of it.
One thing that this game could use is a very detailed explanation of what each aspect does and an example.
I would do this but, again I have no idea. Please don't youtube it. Some of us bring up a website and the game and switch windows back and forth and youtube is such a PITA as everyone I think will agree.
Sorry to disturb everyone's launches please have a good and safe day. (Please stop launching space-x LEO says in mass. It is making aliens really upset as they try and dodge the little suckers and their insurance is going up now. 😋)



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    Yes, but what I mean is if I have two crafts and let's say craft A has all ten labeled and assigned. Now craft B has none labeled and I want to have them all assigned the same. Does replicate all mean all will be the same? Stage's what would that be used for? I make 1 rocket and they normally don't need to be alike.
    That's what I am not sure of. It says what it means but that meaning can be assumed (don't start on the assume joke lol) and mean a few different ways.
    I'll be real honest, I would really really really like a button to show cloned parts. I accidently clone entire builds and can't tell until I have issues and pull parts to figure them out.

    4.3 years ago
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    Replicate AG Determinds how this commandpod will replicate activation groups when it is not the active pod.
    All: replicates All activation groups
    Changes: only replicates a change was made
    None: dont replicate AGs
    Replicate Commands does the same with inputs and Replicate Stage act does the same with stage activations.
    hint: if you hover over the names you get the explanation as Tooltip.

    4.3 years ago

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