So...let's say I want to create a SpaceX-style cinematic launch video, so obviously I have to use Vizzy because the navigational system is ugly. But I also don't want the flickering from camera to camera of trying to find the right one. Is there a way to just tell Vizzy that I want to look at the rocket through a specific camera?
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636 Cleptrophese
@Chtite451SR2 You need to use the "set camera' node. If you set it to 'Camera Index' in the scroll-down menu, the number you type in the last slot will determine which camera it shows through. Be aware that if you have cameras on ditched stages, the index changes, so you have to account for that in the script (e.g. if you have a camera on the first stage that's index is 8 and a camera on the second stage that's index is 9, once the first stage has been ditched (and despawned), the second stage's camera's index becomes 8 instead.
636 Cleptrophese
@Chtite451SR2 @Arstotzka
There is, I figured it out by playing around. Thanks. -
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@Cleptrophese ok tnx XD ill use it to upgrade my vizzy