what do you think this is?
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1,015 ThePilotDude
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar yeah it's the Pelican, I posted an actual teaser of it as well
2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
I think it might be the pelican but I don't know. I am a little fuzzy on my halo vehicles.
1,015 ThePilotDude
@Arstotzka you are right that it's a UNSC craft from Halo, but not a Falcon
1,015 ThePilotDude
@Chtite451SR2 lol star wars is close, but still the wrong franchise
11.5k Chtite451SR2
max zoom gives me nothing lol, idk, looks like something from star wars lol
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@ThePilotDude Awesome job by the way!!