How does the fuel transfer work I'm making a rocket powered by solar and if I have a stage just for power what do I put it on to transfer the the final stage
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10.4k sflanker
Transferring fuel is very simple: select the tank you want to fill, and in the part inspector panel select the "Fill" icon (it looks like a can with a fuel drop falling into it), then select the tank you want to drain and select the "Drain" icon (it looks like a can being tipped and fuel flowing out of it). Fuel will transfer so long as the two tanks are part of the same craft (including across interstages and docking ports) without any fuel line enabled parts necessary. This works for batteries just like other fuel types. Energy transfers at a rate of one Megajoule per second, which may seem slow, but since Joules are Watt Seconds that means that it is transferring at a whopping million watts (which is 300x the continuous discharge rate of the Tesla Powerwall as a point of reference). For a little added realism SR2 should have the temperature of batteries increase as they discharge energy.
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