So this is not easy for me to say.

I have found so much enjoyment in this game and community. I have learned much and have had my mind opened up so much and have learned a lot.

I have a terrible admission to make.

I have been playing this game from a freely downloaded version. I'm not happy about it and I have made the decision to uninstall all versions of the game I had.

I'm a science enthusiast. I love everything about science that I can absorb. I love to escape into exotic worlds of mystery. That's what drew me to the game. However the unfortunate thing is I live in a third world country and even though degreed and employed by the government, making ends meet is hard as it is. I'd very much want to buy this game legally but it's hard, even if I'm able to raise the hard currency, I can't get access to an affordable online payment facility. I have felt a great amount of guilt ever since I started playing because I know it's wrong yet I let on playing.

I have made the resolution that I will leave this community though leaving this profile intact. I do realise that it most likely will be removed after a few minutes if posting by relevant authorities. I've decided as part of my punishment, I'll have to give up this name (NewFrontiersExploration) as it is a name that I have loved so much from inception.

I'm so sorry for what I've done. Though difficult, I will try whatever I can to put together funds to legally buy this game so I can keep on contributing to the community and help make it a better game. Hopefully that'll be before the game leaves early access so I can see this game through as it matures. When I come back, I'll have a new name and maybe I can have better new beginnings.


Ad Astra.


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    @Doublehsh i don't think the mods ban them for stuff like this

    4.1 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    Don't you dare to ban this honest person, mod(s), please don't 🥺

    4.1 years ago
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    11.5k Chtite451SR2


    4.1 years ago
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    195 TayCo

    Farewell mate. Hope your difficulties melt away.

    +1 4.1 years ago


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