I’m not new to sr2. But I’m superrr noob at it. I look at cool build by cool people. And they are.. well paranormal. At least at my point of view. Tanks. Spaceships that really rock. Space stations. Planes. Star war ships . And many more!!! I wish,, really... on every 12:12.. falling star... birthday... and free time that I want to be like those cool users
Sooo if you are one of those cool users. I would really want some building tips.
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10.4k sflanker
I'm no expert builder by any stretch, but when I made my SU-27 Flanker I included links to unlisted crafts for each step in the build so people could see how it was made (note this predates the now available cockpit part). Here are a few basic pieces of advice:
- Get comfortable with the part shape tool
- Sometimes it's useful to build things larger than life and then use the resize tool to shrink them because the SR2 designer is a little dysfunctional for really small parts.
- If you're on PC the Designer Tools Mod is really useful (but make sure you save frequently, it crashes sometimes).
- For circular panelling, doing the math to determine the size and angle of each part, and then making liberal use of the mirroring tool (mirror a part, then break symmetry, then mirror again with different settings) can really speed things up.
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Basically you need to wait and just experiment with the game to become pro.
My tips:
• take apart some crafts of better builders (/pros) and look at the methods they used to build them
• be Chinese (jk)
• experiment with xml editing
• try to beat other players on the website. It can speed up the learning process a lot
• wait
• just add little details to your craft, it can enhance the plane phenomenonally.
• replicate things, and just keep adding details to them (for instance, if you are building a phone replica and you don't add speaker holes in the bottom (small fuel tanks clipped into the body of the phone), you should add them)
What do you plan to build? If you plan to build Rockets or planes I can give you specific tips about them.