I would be posting fourms instead of crafts during Studying.

This should be the universal rule of posting craft in simple rockets2 posting. The following steps will go through the process of making a successful craft . :
‘Chapter one paragraph 1 of rules of the Sr2 community’
1.###(optional if is part of series) ###THINKING OF AN IDEA/FORMATION: the first thing a user should do is think about the idea about what he will build. Will it be a plane? Ship? Space rocket? If it’s any of those. What kind? Trajectory? Purpose? Is it a replica? Etc.
*Chapter one paragraph 2 of the rules of sr2 community*
2.BUILDING PROCESS: then . The build can be started .

  1. Testing:Criteria matching: you test the craft. Does it meet the requirements you needed? (Para1)can you improve? does it have a flaw? If yes. Redesign the craft and try again until it will meet the requirements
    4.decoration (optional): you can decorate your craft. Changing the texture. Colouring text. Etc
    5.posting and description: post the craft with screenshots . Provide a clarification of your craft and how to use it. A good clarification can do.
  2. Listening to the commenters: if a commenter suggests or points out a problem. Fix it and update the craft. You can update optional regularly.
    Thank you!


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    Might consider using this.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    195 TayCo

    Thank you! @Freeskyareospace

    4.1 years ago
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    The thumbnail has to be good too, so that it stands out. You know you can take photos in game by hitting pause and pressing the photo button. Hope this helps!

    4.1 years ago
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    195 TayCo

    Thanks @KuiperAerospace

    4.1 years ago
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    5,241 Kuiper0

    This is true

    4.1 years ago


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