Telemetry Stealer is a Visual Basic (.NET) program that integrates with the SR2LoggerPlus mod to deliver you live telemetry data via a friendly User Interface. This is mostly meant to act as a helper for launches without using the HUD, if you're recording it, or simply convenience, but can also be used as a data source for other programs via easily accessible text files.
Major example is importing telemetry data directly into OBS, and with a tad of creativity, you should be able to make some cool webcast looking stuff! Here's an example of it being used.
If you're updating, make sure to update the vizzy code! Things could change by the second!
Black Box Config + Vizzy (The program checks the text files every 250ms or so, which means you can decrease the delay if you want!)
Development currently Halted. Check back once in a while.
(Unreleased) 0.1.7+ - Currently unplanned. - Moved source to Github, based on old source. Re-added all intended features and optimized python program.
0.1.6 - Added a non-functional mockup of the landing tab, alongside a revamp of the launch screen and some optimization.
0.1.5 - Removed the portable python installation in place of a new console-less receiver which runs in the background.
0.1 - Initial Release, including only the Launch screen (Ap/Pe, Altitude, Velocity, Pitch, Mass and Fuel)
SR2LoggerPlus by WNP78 (fork by sflanker)
A LOT of help from our stack overflow lords
My friends at discord for giving me ideas and help
- Mod Version:
- Required Juno: New Origins Version: Any
- Published: 1/27/2024
- Downloads: 702
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623 Cherrrlyte
@Bluestaf You have to use the included vizzy, it's the craft below the description.
623 Cherrrlyte
@sFlightX Yea go ahead, sorry for not answering tho. Explanation in newest comment.
130 sFlightX
@Charles3540 Hello! We found this helpful while we're struggling to integrate with SR2LoggerPlus. Can we have your permission to use the source code for streaming purposes? We greatly appreciate your approval, we can also help you work with this in the future, thanks!
139 Bluestaf
is my tiny little brain not working right or is there something more im meant to do than download this and sr2loggerplus
623 Cherrrlyte
IF YOU DOWNLOADED 1.6 ALREADY DOWNLOAD IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! i messed up the file extension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! focken hell
623 Cherrrlyte
If the yaw and roll measurements don't work for you, make sure to update the vizzy! Link is in the same place you'd expect
623 Cherrrlyte
New update! This version brings a small revamp to the launch page and mockups of the options and landing pages, it's too little work but its what i could do for today (where i live), i might take more time due to the fact that school is coming back for me in the next few weeks and i gotta get stuff ready, but i'm not giving up on this yet!
623 Cherrrlyte
@CardZlol did think of that, don't know how to do, i'm still trying to learn how to rotate stuff! But when i find out how there'll certainly be a navball, as its also something that i personally want. For now, i'll be adding Yaw + Roll indicators, and i'm researching on how to make graphs, so i can do some stuff like Time vs Acceleration or Time vs Altitude, thanks for giving the idea tho!
14.4k CardZlol
For the empty space, you could use a little nav circle indicating the pitch. Could look neat.
623 Cherrrlyte
Also updated the icon, i think it looks nice, also thanks Pedro for updating the name!
623 Cherrrlyte
However, i haven't stress tested it too much, so i'm keeping both 0.1 and 0.1.5 versions up in case any bugs happen to pop up, but hopefully they shouldn't! The new silent program has an error handler too, so bugfixes should be even easier.
623 Cherrrlyte
Hello there! New update pushed! Nothing very major, only the fact i've managed to reduce file size from 29MB to only 7! And on top of this the receiver program should not open the annoying console window + it auto closes when you close the program, neat!
623 Cherrrlyte
First update pushed, now the download link isn`t a youtube video, and obviously, the program exists
Hello everyone so, you may wanna know. Why is the mod dead? Well, quite simple. One, I had my PC formatted a lot of times because it didn't wanna work. Which means, I lost the updated source code. And to top it all off, I had changed A LOT of stuff on that update. So, TLDR: PC died, formatted, lost big update, burnout, death.
Do I plan on recontinuing this? Absolutely. When? I don't know. I just got on summer break so...maybe?