Droon ComLinks adds a whole new gameplay dimension by adding communication to Juno: New Origins.
Add antennas to your crafts, build complex networks and make sure your craft is always connected or you will loose control...


Useful Links :

Do not download the mod before reading the disclaimers

Do not use the mod in a game you really care about

The mod might not work well on some custom systems

I have been working on that mod for way too long so I decided to finally publish a first version of the mod, even though it is far from finished.

Bug reports and suggestions:

I'll gladly take any bug report or suggestion here in the comments or over on discord on SRC or Complex Rockets. Just make sure to check the RoadMap / Bug list before to see what features are already planned and what bugs are already known.


Does the mod work? Yes, but it's not ready yet.

Balance issues:
One of the hardest things is tweaking the antennas so their characteristics make sense. I decided to try and replicate reality as much as I could understand it instead of assigning arbitrary values to each antenna (like ksp...). In addition to all the parametric characteristics of antennas in DCL, that makes for a very complex system that is hard to set up.
What does it mean? You might find some antennas that should technically be more powerful than another but is weaker. This also means that antenna's performances will change in future update as I tweak them so your network might stop working.

Lots of bugs:
Of course, there are lots of bugs, this is an early version. I recommend reading through the RoadMap / Bug list list to get an overview of what to expect as well as the temporary fixes.

Things might change in the future
This is still an alpha version and I'll reserve the choice to make big changes that could break previous saves if I find it to be beneficial for the mod.

The mod has only been tested in the stock system
The mod detects antenna structures (as found near the launch pad in the stock system). If you are using a custom system that doesn't have any / not enough antennas it might be harder / not work at all.

This is an alpha Version, there might be some unexpected bugs.

More info on mods / how to install mods here

The mod uses Harmony Copyright (c) 2017 Andreas Pardeike


  • Mod Version: Alpha 0.41
  • Required Juno: New Origins Version: 1.2.x
  • Published: 8/25/2022
  • Downloads: 8898




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  • Profile image
    22.0k AramL

    @nacho370zn That sounds like a bug that come up once in a while. The mod isn't really maintened anymore though sorry

    3 months ago
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    Is this mod completely broken? I keep losing connection on my craft despite having multiple satellites in sight. When I switch to those sats it shows 2 lines connecting to the craft, however when I'm in control of said craft it has doesn't have a connection with any sat

    4 months ago
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    Very cool, hope to see updates on this soon!

    +2 6 months ago
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    0 ukn404

    @AramL ohhh, I understand. If ever this gets updated though, I'll check from time to time. I think this mod has potential and eventually (I hope) can be added in-game as well.

    +2 9 months ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @ukn404 Hi, it's hard to say with so little information. The mod hasn't been updated in a while though. I don't really know how it behaves after all the updates

    +1 9 months ago
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    0 ukn404

    sup brother and I hope you're having a great day. Upon my observation, crafts launched from Juno Village doesn't seem to get any signal at all, even upon changing antenna specifications. Thank you, don't know if this is a bug or what. Just want to let you know.

    9 months ago
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    Guys guess what i'we done...🙂🙂🙂

    +6 one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @S3lios yeah I think that's normal. Not all inputs work in the same way and some are harder to fix than other. I havn't had the time to blocm all of them. Should probably addd that to the bugs list.

    one year ago
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    0 S3lios

    Amazing, but i have a bug (that i didn't see in your BugList), i still can control my craft when i'm not connected.
    "CRAFT IS UNCONTROLLABLE" is well printed, and the "Block controll option" is actived too.
    In fact, i can't control my craft with my keyboard, but i still can with my mouse with the blue and yellow axis. Also, i can't activate/desactivate part by clicking with the power button, but i can with a right click on the part i want to activate/desactivate.

    I can send you some picture/record on discord if you want (just send me a link of a server)

    one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Birisim7 mods don't work on mobile

    +1 one year ago
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    Can you please make it mobile? It looks really cool

    one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @LEONCIO on discord

    one year ago
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    @AramL I think it's a bug, but only the network information panel appears for me, i can send to you a print in somewhere?

    one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @LEONCIO click on the com icons or in the dcl section in the flight view inspector panel

    one year ago
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    how do you open DLC NETWORK STATUS?

    +2 one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Spitty nobody made a career for it so it won't work. Sadly I don't have time to make one. It would be great though, there must be a lot of contracts that could be added

    one year ago
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    3,672 Isosceles51

    Does it work with career? Even if it is not, it's still cool!

    one year ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Klioz thanks

    1.1 years ago
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    0 Klioz

    @AramL Okay, but this is amazing man, congratulations on what you're doing

    1.1 years ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Klioz that's not possible

    1.1 years ago
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    0 Klioz

    Please make a mobile version

    +1 1.1 years ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Halkeyes15 you mean the button doesn't open the panel? it does for me. When you have time, can you send me your player.log file just after you try clicking on the button? you can send it to me on discord and I can help you there if you don't know where to find that. For the second problem, did you activate the feature that blocks control when not connected? it's not always working properly so it's off by default. But manoeuvring the craft shouldn't be possible if not connected with the feature turned on.

    1.2 years ago
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    @AramL Hello, sorry to bother again but the icon when using the custom antenna is not working, and also I am able to manouvre the craft when its not connected at all

    1.2 years ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Halkeyes15 thanks for the report, it should be fixed

    1.2 years ago
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    22.0k AramL

    @Halkeyes15 ok, thanks for the report. I might have time to look into it in the next couple of weeks but I'm pretty busy

    1.2 years ago
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