Very simple mod for getting more information about the forces acting on your craft in flight.
Change Log:
Version 0.1
- Added part specific lift force to part inspector panel
Version 0.2
- Added total lift and drag forces, aswell as lift to drag ratio to the FlightView inspector panel
- Mod Version: 0.2
- Required Juno: New Origins Version: -
- Published: 7/30/2021
- Downloads: 1353
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0 Samps0n
Is there a practical way to to calculate g-forces? Maybe using an algorithm that takes the acceleration and the angular momentum stats and be able to equate the maximum g-‘s onboard . While I get the nuances that go into an actual g-force reading in different locations, etc. but I thing it would be as useful in spacecraft as this is in an atmosphere., lemme know. Your uploads are impressive!@Insanity
4,757 sacr3dbac0n0
@Insanity That would be awesome. You could do a lot more stuff in Vizzy if you have blocks for total lift and drag. Great work on the update though, much more useful additions.
11.0k Insanity
@sacr3dbac0n0 hmm, i could add some vizzy blocks to get the info, havent done anything like that before, its certainly possible though.
4,757 sacr3dbac0n0
Is it possible that this information can be taken and parsed by Vizzy? I'm trying to make a more accurate stall program.
11.0k Insanity
@DaveBowman Well the first step would be to look at the tutorials. You could also join the Complex Rockets Discord if you have any specific questions.
15 DaveBowman
Hello! How did you make this mod? I also want to do modding and am looking for the appropriate documentation.
11.0k Insanity
@SupremeDorian ye, i made it like 6 months ago but didnt uploaded it untill recently
Mod SupremeDorian
How come I never saw this until now? This is the thing Stratz wanted somebody to make, right?
11.0k Insanity
@Staticalliam7 Do you mean the lines showing the lift vectors, cause thats not what this is.
11.0k Insanity
@RoscosmosSFS thanks, i thought about that too but the lift forces for other parts arent as easily accessable (if even at all) as for wing parts, i could take a closer look though.
could you make it generalised throughout every part please
otherwise amazing mod -
@Samps0n sure there are certainly ways to take into account the angular velocity and relate it to a specific point on the craft, the question is how relevant that would be as in most cases the aerodynamic/engine forces acting on the craft are way higher.