This mod adds a small droid to the gizmo category. The droid is capable of functioning as a command pod, is vizzy script capable, has a small battery, a small gyroscope (if you set to to about thirty, you can roll sideways across terrain if somehow detched from your craft), and makes a pretty good decor. And yes, he was based off of BB8 :)
Many thanks to the ComplexRockets team!
Special thanks to 14ROVI, Aram, Tarian, and Sflanker!
- Mod Version: 1.2
- Required Juno: New Origins Version: v0.9.404
- Published: 6/18/2020
- Downloads: 1550
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What about a little ball socket that acts as a cockpit?
@Bobobobob I'd hate to be woken up by BB-8 rofl
I have a bump activated bb8 rc Droid and sometimes if I bump my bed to hard it will activate sometimes at all hours of the night
@YourBestFriend because BB8 was ;-;
<3 bb8 lol
@Diandrew whaaaat😂
star ward RP roblox
Guess I got to wait
@Hyperlinkscreations you must be mistaken, Android doesn’t work eaother
@Hyperlinkscreations jdkfjrjf it does NOT
Yes Android actually works you're thinking of iOS
@Hyperlinkscreations Android doesn't either now. I'm really sorry
You're thinking of ios
Yes they do
@SelectAKey yeah that's what I was thinking.
@Daenerys yeah the lil blue attachment point for the chair doesnt come up. maybe make a lil ball holder for em so it doesnt look strange having a ball sitting in a chair.
@Hyperlinkscreations mods don't work on mobile
@SelectAKey I tried lol but I couldn't get the Eva connection to work right. Unfortunately, I figured out how to make it work afterwards. Maybe I'll release another that works better lol😂
@Hyperlinkscreations mods arent capable on mobile devices
argh it doesnt sit in the pilot seat. oh well still really cool none the less
I asking if I can make it mobile
Can you make it Android?
@SelectAKey enjoy😆
okay wow downloading now! always wanted my own BB