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12.3k Tallisar
@AlphaAreospace Ok, are you okay if I use this for a BIG project I am working on?
8,400 QuantumSpaceIndustries
@JanusIndustries Only the central star emit light and every celestial body face the central star. But you can make the other star 'glow' by increasing the biome color intensity or emissiveness or terrain atmosphere "max color". I'd suggest you don't use the stock star template and use other player made star or make your own.
12.3k Tallisar
@AlphaAreospace I prefer a less vague answer, but can you explain by that? Because there are so many parts and things to make a star how it is and I really do not or am not good at finding differences.
8,400 QuantumSpaceIndustries
@JanusIndustries download hummenda II and you can see how I made it
12.3k Tallisar
How did you get BOTH stars to have the flare-looking thing? I don't know what it is called but I guess shine?
471 heitorM
Very interesting, ive didn't know that we could make binary systems in JNO
@AlphaAreospace thanks, friend(?)