Auto Credit Based on Yellowmellow456's Unrealistic System B

An orbit shuffle has occured, partially from a Chapuckle luminosity boost.

This system refresh unveils an asteroid belt which encompasses the frost line: containing not only a dwarf planet and its companion, but also neighboring small system bodies.

This is system is entirely, purely and utterly quixotic; abandon your astrophysical expertise, execute a mind wipe and prepare to probe soon after initialising it.



Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Chapuckle 50,000 km 50.0 m/s - -
Zlam Chapuckle 50 km 5.0 m/s 8,281.7 Mm 8,117.1 Mm
Nanna Zlam 8,000 m 0.8 m/s 542 km 307 km
Youn Zlam 25 km 2.5 m/s 1,455 km 1,279 km
Drome Chapuckle 15 km 1.5 m/s 8,355.9 Mm 8,043.0 Mm
Aman Chapuckle 100 km 10.0 m/s 10,238.4 Mm 10,125.9 Mm
Noil Aman 20 km 2.0 m/s 1,897 km 1,810 km
Cugor Aman 50 km 5.0 m/s 4,254 km 4,132 km
Syn Chapuckle 5,000 m 0.5 m/s 10,652.6 Mm 9,711.7 Mm
Bunop Chapuckle 29 km 2.9 m/s 20,185.2 Mm 19,074.8 Mm
Olreon Bunop 11 km 1.1 m/s 160 km 140 km
Vebos Chapuckle 13 km 1.3 m/s 20,625.7 Mm 18,634.3 Mm
Keonov Chapuckle 12 km 1.2 m/s 21,690.5 Mm 17,569.5 Mm


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    I produced twelve photographs with the Juno: New Origins camera tool, merged all twelve and transferred the product into the aforementioned application.

    2 months ago
  • Profile image

    How did you make the thumbnail like that, @Yellowmellow456 ?

    2 months ago


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