Added Lanpo and it’s moons, with a smaller moon orbiting one of Lanpo’s moons


The Detranian System is a planetary system located somewhere in the Small Magellanic Cloud 30,000 light years from Earth. There are 4 planets, 5 moons, and 1 central star named Detra, hence the name of the system. There are 10 known life forms total, the thumbnail is a picture of Kano seen from its ring system

Launch Locations

Kakara, a moon of Berion, is the only place with a space center and the only place to launch a craft. There are even testing grounds for rovers and other utilities, including a launch pad, and a long runway.

Fly safe!


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.802.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Detra 1,391.0 Mm 250.0 m/s - -
Kano Detra 2,000 km 9.0 m/s 330,294.6 Mm 312,918.0 Mm
CRK-1 Kano 1,000 m 0.1 m/s 6,217 km 6,204 km
CRK-2 CRK-1 1,000 m 0.1 m/s 7,555 m 5,897 m
CRK-3 CRK-1 1,000 m 0.1 m/s 16 km 14 km
CRK-4 CRK-1 1,000 m 0.1 m/s 26 km 23 km
CRK-5 CRK-1 1,000 m 0.1 m/s 33 km 33 km
Berion Detra 14,000 km 24.8 m/s 519,017.8 Mm 506,607.6 Mm
Ava Berion 300 km 1.5 m/s 31,791 km 31,727 km
Zeum Berion 410 km 1.0 m/s 44,265 km 43,042 km
Kakara Berion 1,200 km 7.0 m/s 69,421 km 67,855 km
Daha Berion 15 km 0.4 m/s 128.2 Mm 108.2 Mm
Karene Berion 1,000 km 6.0 m/s 208.7 Mm 205.1 Mm
Aglkuk Detra 3,000 km 10.0 m/s 630,971.8 Mm 597,788.0 Mm
Semehi Aglkuk 290 km 2.0 m/s 14,491 km 14,462 km
Lanpo Detra 1,500 km 16.0 m/s 844,120.6 Mm 808,094.4 Mm
Onla Lanpo 600 km 4.0 m/s 17,007 km 16,752 km
Sazu Onla 100 km 0.5 m/s 4,095 km 3,800 km
Goju Lanpo 500 km 1.0 m/s 36,323 km 34,234 km
Ocuticus Detra 250 km 1.2 m/s 1,074,537.0 Mm 925,463.0 Mm
Nali Ocuticus 150 km 1.2 m/s 1,253 km 1,197 km


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    1.4 years ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    @RudimentaryCheezit I will take that as a yes!

    1.4 years ago
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    one man’s trash is another man’s treasure

    1.4 years ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    @RudimentaryCheezit Are you fine with the idea that I can add more stuff so it is not dead anymore?

    1.4 years ago
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    aliens not alien enough

    1.4 years ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    Are you going to update this anymore? I would love to see more!

    1.4 years ago


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