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3,539 vghfr
@AshtvinayakAerospace The camera block. Should be in the craft control section
5,066 AgniteSpace
For different angle views of crafts, you need to place different crafts with cameras and for different views you need to switch between crafts rapidly.
My question is how to do it without switching? -
29.0k iSpace
Firefly sat
Junior sat
Phobos sat
Droo navigation sat -
126 ElizabethB1051
@iSpace Very quick question: How many boosters do you think will be in the Beta fleet. Having 1 or 2 I feel like is not enough. At least 5 boosters is enough to launch frequently, and if you lose one, it will make it less tight on boosters and time.
@iSpace Is it possible to make a list of the sattilites launch? Or is there one and I’m just missing it
2,536 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
Can't wait for this mission, already have the reminder set on YouTube.
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