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1,489 RocketScienceCo
@DrexxVolv, you’ve got a potato and I’ve got a science-lab bacteria. I kinda based this on the meme that Elon twetted.
1,732 neodynamic
@RocketScienceCo Heh. I managed to set all my settings to max with no lag on my potato.
1,489 RocketScienceCo
@DrexxVolv, yup. My device would’ve given up on me, if I didn’t speed things up in SR2 and in the editing stages.
1,489 RocketScienceCo
@DrexxVolv, I had to speed things up in production or this would livestream would be over 24 hours!
7,086 AQUILA
you like coffee? I have a great coffee suggestion for you Gayo Arabica Coffee it's very tasty but bitter
1,732 neodynamic
@RocketScienceCo Huh. Not a big fan of tea, either, heh. My liquid diet is 90% water, 10% soda.
1,489 RocketScienceCo
@DrexxVolv, I prefer karak. It’s a middle eastern insprised tea, it’s really tasty because of the sweetness.
1,489 RocketScienceCo
@DrexxVolv, I prefer to keep it their, because I want to show people what the younger generations are capable of doing.
All the information you might need is in the video description. There’ll also be a article version of this mission up on the Rocket Science Co website.