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11.1k JastroOne1
@Vedhaspace Generally it's taken to be 1.4, that's the value used for Droo's atmosphere too.
11.1k JastroOne1
@Vedhaspace Mean gamma γ is the ratio of specific heats, Cp/CV. Its a physical property of the gas in an atmosphere. When you change it the main effect is on Mach numbers (and therefore heating effects). Local speed of sound a=sqrt(γRT) so reducing γ will reduce a and increase your mach number/heating at a given speed.
13.8k Vedhaspace
@JastroOne1 cool
And a quick question
What is mean gamma in atmospheric physics? -
11.1k JastroOne1
@Vedhaspace The script for a biomes tutorial is complete, I just need to find time to record. Hopefully this weekend!
13.8k Vedhaspace
@JastroOne1 hi there can you make a tutorial about texture tiling and biomes?
Also how to add biomes at a particular area -
2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@JastroOne1 Yeah, Thanks for telling me this, despite watching the video series twice so far, still a noob at planet studio. It definitely helps. 😅👍
11.1k JastroOne1
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar The approach I'd suggest is to use the Get Position modifier. Depending on whether you output the X, Y, or Z coordinates it will basically give you a circular gradient. Id recommend using a debug visualise data modifier to get the right one of XYZ and rotation. The output should be the gradient between -1 on one pole, 0 on the equator, and +1 at the other pole. By choosing the range you want and using a remap linear modifier, you can make just one region of that gradient show and set all the rest to 0. You can now use it as a mask for the noise you want for the tidally locked face. Hope this helps! :)
2,596 Gen3ralInterstel1ar
@JastroOne1 Hey I've got a question for this system I'm making; The planets are orbiting a red dwarf and are supposed to be tidally locked to it. Do you know how I should go about creating the hotspot on the surface of the planet?
11.1k JastroOne1
@DASX Hopefully in 2 weeks or so, I've had a lot of deadlines with uni over the last month but I will be getting a bit more spare time towards the new year.
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
on mobile it’s really hard to “grip” the crater warping node thingy
27.1k Zenithspeed
Yeah, of course you have to do other episodes first before diving deep, that's just logic. My plan is to use your tutorials to improve on my current skills so that i can make even better planets, since currently nearly everything i make is just a modified version of one of the prebuilt templates.
@JastroOne1 -
11.1k JastroOne1
@Zenithspeed That is indeed the plan, my strategy is to build up with the fundamentals and then eventually show a "case study" where I take the blank template and pull everything together into a finished planet. I want to wait until the other episodes are released before I do this though, because without the actual knowledge people won't get the full benefit of such a video.
27.1k Zenithspeed
Awesome! I haven't tried the remaps and masks too much before, but now i know that it's definitely a good thing if you know how it works.
I'm hoping that in later episodes you'll cover how to make quite detailed planets using just the things learned on the blank base rather than just modifying the templates.
Excellent work as always!
@JastroOne1 Oh thanks