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575 Icey21
Nah man, when I made a plane, the first one flew fine, but the second one broke the moment I loaded it in 💀
4,975 FelixFan1
My laptop sips on 10,000 parts with ease, But it tends to burn my fingers off like hot coffee tho.
567 fallouArroSpace
@DragonTech oof (at least with the M1 chip (soon M2) in our Apple devices, that’s no longer a problem. (Could even run a 8K roblox game literally. [Isn't Roblox 8K any how?)
4,806 DragonTech
@fallouArroSpace Uh i never let it get too hot so in the end I just couldnt play ksp. And the sad thing is that my google pixel 2 could run SR2 just fine.
567 fallouArroSpace
@DragonTech oof (KSP is fun, but sucks how a pc would overheat from one game ;-;) does your of automatically shut down if it overheats (I think like mine)
4,806 DragonTech
@fallouArroSpace Before I got a dell laptop, I had a 2014 mac and I tried to play ksp on it but a 5 part build made it overheat before i even launch lol
567 fallouArroSpace
At least vizzy’s won’t nuke your computer or tablet with a bomb or ransomeware or a warthog, or a SR2 nuclear missi- NOOO NOT MY iMac, THEY NUKED IT!!!!!! (You know the SR2 nuclear missile blowing up my Pc is a joke right?)
567 fallouArroSpace
Do the vizzy XD (It is god dang funny how your P.C would literally fart up a literal bomb XD)
700 DeltaProductions
@DragonTech I can relate that when I first joined as well.
EDIT: plus what is the name of this build?
Also another EDIT:nvm already found it :/ gonna test it. -
you know this is old when the test dummy is still existing