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    754 Fyrem0th

    @LeMagicBaguette ah ok. Thanks!

    one month ago
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    @XRS2200 there's three plumes, as far as I can tell. The main plume is blue, and has a low rim-shading to form the core. It boasts a texture strength of about 0.8. The secondary exhaust is a high rim-shaded purple exhaust to give it the outer accents. It seems ro have an extremely low texture strength, something between 0 and 0.4. The tertiary exhaust is a yellow-orange exhaust with a high texture strength, something between 1.2 and 3, and no rim-shading in order to add the sparks/soot you see.

    one month ago
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    754 Fyrem0th

    That’s breathtaking! Amazing work, but how did you make then engine plume look so good?

    one month ago
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    one month ago


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