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    Basically every design explodes against another, which helps the total explosion is 1. The mixture of fuels 2. The design is not separated but all the components joined together and have a main object large enough to help exploit the rest and the direction or angle of firing, calculate the distance and trajectory of the missile in a few words to know well the armament that you do, I hope that it serves you in other videos of the attack of the FA 45A it is seen that the missiles go well but calculate the sight poorly I hope you help

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    I'm building a guided bomb that you can release from 30km . But I'm not sure if it explodes like yours, I don't think it does

    5.0 years ago
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    Ese diseño es perfecto pero le falta un poco mas de velocidad, pero de resto perfecto, no lo alteran las armas ni misiles

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    Ataque de @diegoavion84 a buque de lobo industries Aerospace, el conrraatque está pendiente por un tema de cálculo de puntería de disparo de los misiles pero lo he de derribar un saludo a @diegoavion84 por ese genial diseño

    +1 5.0 years ago


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