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I don't know if I can do that, I'm on android, but I'll try. Your projects are amazing.
8,458 crowxe
i change the FOV from the XML setting file. The FOV in the game can't be set below 60, that's why must edit the XML and restart the game. set FOV to 3 or 2 degrees -
8,458 crowxe
@Natedog120705 from the local folder I edit the setting file, it's just text with xml extension
8,458 crowxe
@Kell 2 degrees, I tried 0.25 but the launch pad only could fit with that angle. The 0.25 was great as telescope to see Mars from the space base :)
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That's awesome, enjoy. Check my craft Luna/Mars observatory, it aims camera to the one you select and if you set FOV to 0.5 or 0.25 you'd see Mars from Droo. Notice the craft/radar is to only produce aiming mechanism, not FOV