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11.0k Insanity
@CPSU3417 no, i dont think he used any of the music i did in his cylero missions.
559 SATA
@Insanity WOW! That was one of the most best scenery views of Urados that I had ever seen in a space simulator. It was starting to give me some flashbacks of when I was playing Orbiter 2016.
11.0k Insanity
@JastroOne1 thanks, im happy to make some free advertisement for ESS. I had some trouble properly capturing the insteresting terrain of Eros because of the small SOI so im happy so hear that that has been adjusted.
11.1k JastroOne1
Man this is so beautiful, great work! I wish id seen this sooner, im so glad some people have been able to get it working despite the update issues! <3 Hopefully once 3.1 is finished, the Urados system will be a lot less messy, we're introducing some big gravity edits to reduce the SOI issues for the ring moons.
11.0k Insanity
@OldCoach it is, if you cant find it in the crafts section, go to stuff in the dropdown menu and then users, my profile should be on the second page. There you will definitely find it.
514 OldCoach
@Insanity I know how to do that, but your craft isn't on the SR2 website is it? I've not seen it there.
11.0k Insanity
@OldCoach its ok, the two other ways are a bit complicated, but to download a craft from within the game you press the 'download crafts' button, it will then open the sr2 website through the steam workshop browser, this way you can just press download on a craft and it will automatically import it into the game.
514 OldCoach
@Insanity I'm sorry, I just can't figure out what you're telling me. I downloaded the file. Where do I put it to open it with SR2.exe? What folder do I find SR2.exe in? I tried copying the website page and using crtl-c but nothing happened. To do this in game, should I be on the craft construction page or on the opening page? Be patient. I'm retired and not very good with digging around inside file folders and exe's. Your instructions may seem perfectly clear to you, but assume I don't know anything.
11.0k Insanity
@OldCoach yes, theres three ways to install a craft on pc, either you do it from withing the game and just pressing the download button installs it, or you download it with a browser, press right click on it and open it with the SR2.exe or you copy the link to the website page of the craft and press ctrl c while in the game.
514 OldCoach
@Insanity I've already downloaded that file. It shows up on my download list as an SR2 file, 1KB not as an XML file. When I click on it to see what kind of file that is, my PC recognizes it as a photo file. If I copy it into my SR-2 folder, the game doesn't recognize it.
514 OldCoach
@Insanity Tried the Control C and nothing happened. Is the craft in the crafts section of the website? I've looked for it but haven't found it yet.
11.0k Insanity
@OldCoach you have to either open it with SimpleRockets2 or just copy the link from the website and press control c in the game to paste and it will download the craft.
8,458 crowxe
@Insanity I wasn't referring to the craft, just how the planets and cinematics looks like budget production movies/documentaries
514 OldCoach
@Insanity I downloaded Project- DIME but don't know what to do with it. It's referred to as an SR2 file not XML. Where do I put it in the larger Simple Rockets 2 folder?
11.0k Insanity
@Gozinya its F10 on PC, as far as i know you cant do it on mobile though.
11.0k Insanity
@OldCoach thanks, for the strut like part i just used many fuel tank pieces to make the structure and duplicated it a lot of times and added some hinge rotators so it could fould out, there arent any solar panels as it has an rtg, which i doesnt actually work but i had enough batterys so it was fine.
514 OldCoach
Great video! Thanks. It made me think of a DVD, narrated by Patrick Stewart, I used to use with my space science classes. The video was basically a tour of the solar system with unmanned spacecraft. The segments showing Voyagers 1 and 2 in the outer solar system gave an impression of loneliness. With your spacecraft at Urados, I got the same impression. The music you used was spot on. How did you create the expandable instrument boom and solar panels?
43.9k goz
This is an awesome video. Dumb question: how did you remove the UI when making the video? Maybe that's a PC-only option... I'm running mobile on iOS only.
11.0k Insanity
@crowxe thanks, but what do you mean, i wasnt making a replica or recreation of anything.
Excellent passage, bravo