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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@KirRu it is possible to do it temporarily but you can’t restrict the range of RCS.
4,265 kittman
great idea using RCS for the preburn. makes it look much more realistic. I've been wondering how to create something that looks like O2 venting in the moments before launch. perhaps your solution might be what I've been looking for. thank you!
another great video. I am slowly realizing I need to work on my video skills in order to compete. my Pile of Drones video was pretty cool but from my point of view that vid kinda sucks compared to the vids you and Kelly have made. :) -
55.2k KirRu
@iSpace is it possible to make multidirectional RCS work only in one direction?
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Cool !!
RCS for preburn!!