My replica of Strandbeest locomotion.
Will start moving forward on launch.
Use Slider 1 for left legs, Slider 2 for right legs.
To turn and walk forward, 100% on one side, 50% the other.
To rotate in place, 100% one side, roughly -30% ~ -40% on the other.
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Dev Pedro
I have no words to describe this. Amazing job, I was expecting it to be cool but not to work so good.
One of the best things I've seen in sr2 so far, I'm sure this is the start of a new class of craft. -
7,922 ErikaIndustry
I can make a tank based on your work, and it was work very will on lune and mars
21.4k Rafaele
Oh wow, this is what I call robotics, very nice job, looks really cool!
40.7k KellyNyanbinary
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@pedro16797 I'm flattered, thank you!