This is based on the proposed Boeing Large Multipurpose Launch Vehicle (LMLV). this is far more powerful and has vizzy


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.307.0
  • Price: $485,705k
  • Number of Parts: 353
  • Dimensions: 52 m x 19 m x 19 m


  • Total Delta V: 128.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 275.2MN
  • Engines: 79
  • Wet Mass: 8.51E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: -82,251,720kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 6 40.4km/s 24.6MN 2.5m 8.51E+5kg
2 0 0m/s 0N 0s 3.68E+5kg
3 60 30.9km/s 240.0MN 13.7m 3.68E+5kg
7 4 32.4km/s 9.1MN 40s 74,051kg
8 3 24.7km/s 780kN 4.4m 25,839kg


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    11.0k Insanity

    Cool, be sure to check out my version of it, there arent many people who have made a replica of this monster of a rocket concept.

    Pinned 4.8 years ago
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    11.0k Insanity

    @oldcrow0999 thanks, for the cargo capacity, when im making a replica i try to get it as close to the real one as possible, else its just trial and error untill i get something most people could still get to orbit. For the vizzy program there are many good ways to make an efficient orbit program, what i tend to do is turn the craft to a certain pitch angle depending on the altitude and after some height i just lock the heading on prograde at such a time that the rocket gets to a good velocity before the apoapsis gets to high. You really just have to play around with it to find what works best for you, you can also try researching the way real rockets do a gravity turn and try to implement that, i dont know how difficult that would be though.

    4.8 years ago
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    @Insanity I tested out your stock version due to my iOS lack of mods. I really like it! How do you find out your rocket’s cargo capacity and how do you post it? Also, feel free to make changes to the vizzy program and do you mind teaching me how to use it more proficiently?

    4.8 years ago
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    I agree that the vizzy program is crap. However this is my first vizzy and I just copied the one that Jundoo had for its guide on YouTube lol. Feel free to make changes and improve it. @TopSecret2

    4.8 years ago
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    While I’ve been researching equally monster rockets based on the Saturn Rockets, this totally blew my mind and expectations with its ability to lift 190 tons from the ground.

    However, your Vizzy program has to be the least effective one I’ve ever seen. Any kind of heavy payload from home planet would usually and be expected to enter low orbit of that planet, so to see yours stop the gravity turn at 30° pitch is pretty annoying and immediately go into an escape trajectory not only wasted a lot of delta v in the process but essentially ignored orbital mechanics. Such a behemoth of a rocket, but no harness to ride it.

    +1 4.8 years ago


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