Origins and Development of the F-98 Twin Engine Tailless Stealth Fighter

Conceptualization and Strategic Need

  1. Emerging Threats and Strategic Gaps

    • Operational Necessity: With the rapid evolution of global threats and the increasing capabilities of adversarial air defense systems, there was a pressing need for a next-generation stealth fighter.
    • Technological Opportunities: Advances in stealth technology, materials science, and propulsion systems provided the foundation for a revolutionary aircraft design.
  2. Design Imperatives

    • Stealth and Agility: Achieving superior stealth characteristics and unmatched maneuverability to maintain air superiority.
    • Mission Versatility: Capable of performing a wide range of operations, including air-to-air combat, ground attack, and reconnaissance.

Key Design Features

  1. Tailless Configuration with Sharp Blended Wing Design

    • Aerodynamic Efficiency: The tailless, sharp blended wing design reduces aerodynamic drag and enhances stealth by minimizing radar cross-section (RCS).
    • Integrated Control Systems: Advanced flight control systems compensate for the lack of traditional tail surfaces, ensuring stability and maneuverability.
  2. IR Stealth Nozzles

    • Infrared Signature Reduction: Innovative nozzle design to minimize infrared (IR) emissions, reducing the aircraft's detectability by IR-guided missiles and sensors.
    • Heat Dissipation: Nozzles equipped with advanced materials and cooling systems to dissipate engine heat effectively.
  3. Large Internal Weapon Bay

    • Stealth Maintenance: Internal storage of weapons to maintain a low RCS during operations.
    • Configurable Loadout: Flexibility to carry a variety of munitions, including air-to-air missiles, precision-guided bombs, and other ordnance.
  4. Diverterless Supersonic Inlets (DSI) Above the Wings

    • Aerodynamic Advantage: DSIs positioned above the wings to enhance airflow to the engines, reducing drag and improving performance at supersonic speeds.
    • Stealth Enhancement: The design minimizes radar reflections and contributes to the aircraft's overall stealth profile.
  5. Single Indigo I-82 15mm Autocannon

    • Close-Range Combat Capability: The integration of a single Indigo I-82 15mm autocannon provides the aircraft with a reliable close-range weapon for dogfighting and ground strafing.
    • High Precision: The autocannon is capable of delivering precise, high-rate fire, enhancing the fighter's lethality in close combat situations.

Development Process

  1. Research and Preliminary Design

    • Feasibility Studies: Conducting extensive simulations and wind tunnel tests to validate the tailless design and aerodynamic efficiency of the blended wing.
    • Prototype Development: Building initial prototypes to test the integration of IR stealth nozzles and DSIs.
  2. Flight Testing and Refinement

    • Testing Phases: Rigorous flight testing to evaluate performance, handling, and stealth characteristics.
    • Iterative Improvements: Using data from test flights to refine the design, enhance stability, and optimize stealth features.
  3. Advanced Systems Integration

    • Avionics and Sensors: Equipping the aircraft with cutting-edge avionics, sensor suites, and electronic warfare systems for superior situational awareness and combat capability.
    • Stealth Technologies: Applying advanced radar-absorbent materials and coatings to further reduce detectability.


The F-98 Twin Engine Tailless Stealth Fighter represents a significant advancement in military aviation. The design combines superior stealth capabilities, advanced aerodynamics, and versatile mission functionality. The integration of features such as IR stealth nozzles, a large internal weapon bay, DSIs above the wings, and a sharp blended wing design showcases a holistic approach to achieving dominance in future aerial combat scenarios. This aircraft is poised to maintain air superiority and deliver versatile performance in a rapidly evolving threat environment.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $22,590k
  • Number of Parts: 52
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 16 m x 19 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 33,972kg
  • Dry Mass: 20,261kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 0s 33,972kg


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  • Profile image
    315 Atmotec

    If you do this, your plane will fly as intended without horizontal displacement, only straight forward and it will still look tailless.

    10 days ago
  • Profile image
    315 Atmotec

    @Boredplanet11 if you want it to fly as it supposed to, better to add vertical stabilization and make it invisible in the painting tool "transparency" and turn off the shadows for tle tail part in the tinker panel, so it will not create "phantom" shadow
    Just a little lifehack ;)

    10 days ago
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    @Atmotec Thanks i like tailless aircraft

    13 days ago
  • Profile image
    315 Atmotec

    Design is very interesting 🔥🔥🔥, but play a bit with vertical stabilization. ;)

    14 days ago

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