Manufactured by MFAST

Introduction to Rockets

  • Diameter: 3.35 m,Height: 43.4 m
  • Capacity: 1,000 km/12 tons
  • Phase I: 50H × 4, Phase II: 50Z × 1 + cruise plane × 4

Rocket characteristics

  • Skyline One is the new generation carrier rocket developed by our group. Using liquid oxygen methane fuel and our group's self-developed volley 50 series high-performance engine. This series of rockets have the characteristics of low cost, stable performance, high orbit precision and fast launch cycle. In the future, it will become the main rocket of our group.

Presentation video

  • Tap the picture to view the video


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $11,932,377k
  • Number of Parts: 7468
  • Dimensions: 47 m x 25 m x 128 m


  • Total Delta V: 150m/s
  • Total Thrust: 3.1MN
  • Engines: 44
  • Wet Mass: 2.76E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 7.88E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 22 13m/s 364kN 3.74days 2.76E+6kg
2 8 116m/s 2.2MN 2.4m 2.76E+6kg
4 8 0m/s 23kN 4s 2.76E+6kg
5 6 20m/s 514kN 1.8m 2.76E+6kg


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    @lyszqscg 嘿嘿😁

    one month ago
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    Duh, l-oxy, of course loxy, I feel that I couldn’t of not known what that was, but it’s right there??!!

    one month ago
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    758 Fyrem0th

    @Samps0n Liquid, for Liquid Oxygen or LOX, if you play this game you should prob know that

    one month ago
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    465 lyszqscg

    @MingFengAerospace 但恐怕现在还没捏吧:)

    one month ago
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    @lyszqscg 整流罩可以换大的哦

    one month ago
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    465 lyszqscg


    one month ago
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    Under ‘SKYLINE’ , the light blue, first pic “loxymethane launch vehicle “

    one month ago
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    @FalconAero 您好

    one month ago
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    @Samps0n 哪里啊?

    one month ago
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    LOxy, what is the L ? What does the L stand for?

    one month ago
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    14.2k FalconAero


    one month ago


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