Auto Credit Based on RocketScienceCo's Bravo 1 v5 1.1

The Bravo 1 v5 is the Rocket based on the Bravo Series created by hiam0620. Its first stage was designed so that it can be reused like the Falcon 9/Heavy. On the first stage it has 9 powerful Titan enigines which allows it to lift a heavy payload into space.

To fly this rocket you will start your gravity turn at 1500 km and change your tilt to 75. At 10,000 km tilt the rocket to 45. When you reach 20,000 km tilt the rocket to 30* and then continue untill your fuel is 23%. Then detach the first from the second stage. After stage seperation activated Reaction Control and then tilt the rocket to 10* and make a crash course to Earth but witn a high Apoapsis. Then switch back to the first stage and then turn everything off. To make sure everything is running correctly the fins should be activated when stage seperation happens and a trio of parachutes should have been deployed when stage sepration also happened. Then just try to make sure the rocket is oriented. Now the landing burn. Make sure AG2 is off and AG3 and AG4 is on. To perform the landing burn AG3 will activate the 2 outer Titan engine and AG4 will activate the center Titan Engine. When the Falcon 9/Heavy lands it uses its 3 Merlin engines to perform a sucssesful landing, it will use 3 engiens at first and when it has slowed down enough it will just use 1 to land. So to copy that deactivate AG3 when you slowed down enough and use the center engine to land and don’t forget to deploy the landing legs.

Now lastly deliver the payload to orbit. And now you have sucssesfully operated a Bravo Series Rocket. Some of the older version may need a different stategy to land as their engines are weaker.

AG1-Controls the Solar Array on the payload.
AG2-Controls 6 of the outer Titan engines.
AG3-Controls 2 of the outer Titan engine.
AG4-Controls the center Titan engine.
AG5-Fin controls
AG6-Fin Contros
AG8-Landing Legs
AG10- Reaction Control.

Feel Free to share my rocket design as long as you give a shoutout.


  • Predecessor: Bravo 1 v5 1.1
  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $181,869k
  • Number of Parts: 103
  • Dimensions: 111 m x 13 m x 13 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 49.7MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 1.83E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.42E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 3.1km/s 41.5MN 85s 1.83E+6kg
5 1 0m/s 10N 0s 3,556kg


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    Hi guys, I just want to announce a few more instructions for the fins. Before you lift off make sure slider 1 and 2 are on and cranked to -100%. This will tuck the fins and then will get activated when stage separation happens. When you perform the landing procedures, remember to remove slider 2, but keep slider 1 as that controls the angle that the fins turn, or in a simpler way it just provides the roll.


    4.0 years ago
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    @hiam0620 it's really nice.

    My personal Suggestion:
    • Try to make the texture of fuel tank as none
    • Try to edit your your description with different styles, you can get it in this forum
    • Try to pin your comment

    1st option is your wish. Try to follow the other two

    Hope you make even more better crafts

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    Hi guys this the all new version of the v5 and instead of one optimised vacuum engine it now has two.

    +1 4.0 years ago

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