Auto Credit Based on KevinZhou's NEW SSTO Valkyrie Shuttle V2.0

V3.0 update:
1. Changed wing size to make it more aerodynamic
2.madded one extra wing to improve high speed efficiency

Take off procedure:
Method A(vertical takeoff):
1. Turn on the following activation group:
AG1(front engines),
AG2(rear engines)
AG4(vtol gimbal)
2. 100% power, rise up to 60m
3. turn on AG3(rear booster)
4. Change Slider 1 to 45%
5. accelerate until 180m/s, turn AG2 off and change slider 1 to 100
6. Turn AG5,6 off(landing gears)

Method B(Traditional way to take off):
1. Turn on the following activation group:
AG1(front engines),
AG3(rear booster)
AG4(vtol gimbal)
2. Turn off the following: AG2(rear engines)
3. Change Slider 1 to 100%
4. Full power

Landing procedures:
Method A(vertical)(preferred way to land)

  1. Turn on the following activation group:
    AG1(front engines),
    AG2(rear engines)
    AG4(vtol gimbal)
  2. Turn off AG3(rear booster)
  3. Change slider 1 to -100%

    1. 100% power, decelerate to around 60m/s (extreme low speed landing)

  4. Change slider 1 to 0%
  5. Change the thrust according to the condition

Method B(traditional way)
Similar to takeoff

-AG1: Front Main Engines *Active
-AG2: Rear Main Engines *Active
-AG3: Rear Boosters
-AG4: Main Engines VTOL Controls *(Slider1=Front,Slider2=Rear)
-AG5: Landing Gear(Slider1)
-AG6: Landing Gear Bay Doors *Active
-AG7: Cargo Bay Ramp
-AG8: Cargo Bay Doors
-AG9: Wheel Motors For Taxiing

Improved from @weebabyseamus



  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 11.6MN
  • Engines: 44
  • Wet Mass: 6.8E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: -16,577,487kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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