This is a test to see if my account is working


  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $626k
  • Number of Parts: 6
  • Dimensions: 2 m x 2 m x 2 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 1.1MN
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 16,464kg
  • Dry Mass: 3,912kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    105 BHOA

    @RocketManbuuuuuuu hey

    +1 17 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu why so mean to BHOA what did he do

    18 days ago
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    @BHOA why are you so fat you bum

    20 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 Hello! I found your response to be quite fascinating, particularly since you’ve mentioned that you’re not using ChatGPT. The style and tone of your reply, however, seem to closely mirror the characteristics of AI-generated text, which piqued my curiosity. Your response is clearly well-considered and articulate, reflecting a high level of thoughtfulness and clarity. Whether or not ChatGPT played a role in crafting your message, the points you’ve made are certainly valuable and contribute meaningfully to the discussion at hand.

    That being said, I think it might be helpful to provide a bit more context or clarification regarding the source or method behind your response. Doing so could prevent any potential confusion among readers who might notice the resemblance to AI-generated text. Clear transparency about how you arrived at your conclusions or the tools you used could enhance the overall credibility of your contributions and encourage a more open and honest dialogue.

    Understanding the process behind your well-articulated points could also provide additional insight for others who are interested in the topic or who may be curious about the techniques used in generating such thoughtful responses. Overall, your input is much appreciated and adds great value to the conversation. Just a friendly suggestion to help ensure that the dialogue remains as transparent and engaging as possible!

    20 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu You know, I've always prided myself on my tech-savvy independence. I like to think of myself as a digital lone wolf, steering clear of AI and other fancy gadgets that might muddy my path. So when it comes to ChatGPT, you can bet I'll keep my distance. Why, you ask? Well, I enjoy the thrill of discovering things the old-fashioned way—by navigating the vast sea of information, trial and error style. Plus, there's something incredibly satisfying about crafting my own solutions and insights without a chatbot’s help.

    Sure, ChatGPT might be able to whip up a snappy response or dig up facts in seconds, but where's the adventure in that? I like the challenge of wrestling with my own thoughts and ideas, refining them through good old-fashioned effort and elbow grease. After all, isn't there something poetic about finding your own way through the labyrinth of knowledge, rather than relying on a digital guide?

    So, while ChatGPT might be a marvel of modern technology, I'll stick to my own methods. There's a certain romance in the struggle, a joy in the process that an AI just can't replicate.

    20 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries Also I used chat GPT for the funny.

    20 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries @BHOA both you are crack up

    20 days ago
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    @BHOA blud had to comment it 2 time to make sure I remember 💀💀💀

    21 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @QuantumSpaceIndustries ok me nither

    21 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @QuantumSpaceIndustries ok me nither

    21 days ago
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    @BHOA Remember that time you were saying that thing where I am fat? dont care.

    21 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @RocketManbuuuuuuu fuck of

    21 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @QuantumSpaceIndustries why you fat

    21 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 I ant gay my bruh I am a man and you gave me a love poem 😭🙏

    21 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries a love poem for you

    21 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries In the quiet of a dawn that stirs the soul, Where light threads softly through the night’s expanse, I find the world unfurling, pure and whole, In the embrace of your enduring glance.

    The morning dew upon the blades of green, Like pearls that catch the golden sun’s caress, Reflects the shimmering of what I have seen In your eyes, where dreams and truths confess.

    The days are chapters, penned in gentle hues, With every moment sketched by love’s design, And in this book, where every word imbues, A tale of hearts entwined in fate’s align.

    You are the song that dances through my days, A melody that soothes my restless mind, And in your voice, I find a thousand ways To lose and find myself, with love entwined.

    The way your laughter spills like autumn leaves, A symphony that echoes through the air, It lifts my spirits, and my heart believes That every joy is doubled when you’re near.

    In twilight’s hush, where shadows gently blend, We walk through realms of soft, celestial grace, And in your touch, I find a timeless friend, A warmth that time and space cannot erase.

    Your love is like a river, ever wide, That carves its path through valleys deep and fair, With every current, I am swept inside, And lost in depths where dreams and hopes repair.

    Each evening stars reflect our whispered vows, In constellations drawn by cosmic hand, And through the dark, your light forever shows, A beacon that I follow through the land.

    When storms arise and tempests roar with might, Your strength becomes a harbor, safe and sound, And in your arms, the world’s harsh winds take flight, As peace and solace in your love are found.

    In every sigh and breath that speaks of grace, In every tender touch and fleeting glance, I see the portrait of a boundless place, Where hearts in synchrony do dance.

    Let us adorn the years with moments bright, Where laughter spills like sunlight on the sea, And in our journey through the endless night, I’ll hold you close, and you’ll hold close to me.

    For love is more than words can ever show, A tapestry that time and heart have spun, In every thread, our passions gently flow, And in this art, our lives are truly one.

    21 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries oh

    21 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 I know

    21 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries when you type ":skull:" no emoji shows up its just :skull:

    21 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 i saw you edit it :skull:

    21 days ago
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    @QuantumSpaceIndustries it bleeds when I pee

    21 days ago
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    @BHOA @Wallnutslover123 A father figure is usually an older man, normally one with power, authority, or strength, with whom one can identify on a deeply psychological level and who generates emotions generally felt towards one's father. Despite the literal term "father figure", the role of a father figure is not limited to the biological parent of a person (especially a child), but may be played by uncles, grandfathers, elder brothers, family friends, or others. The similar term mother figure refers to an older woman.

    Several studies have suggested that positive father figures and mother figures (whether biological or not) are generally associated with healthy child development, both in boys and in girls.

    Definition - The International Dictionary of Psychology defines "father figure" as "A man to whom a person looks up and whom he treats like a father." The APA Concise Dictionary of Psychology offers a more extensive definition: "a substitute for a person's biological father, who performs typical paternal functions and serves as an object of identification and attachment. [Father figures] may include such individuals as adoptive fathers, stepfathers, older brothers, teachers and others." This dictionary goes on to state that the term is synonymous with father surrogate and surrogate father. The former definition suggests that the term applies to any man, while the latter excludes biological fathers.

    +1 21 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 bro used chatgpt :skull:

    21 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @RocketManbuuuuuuu shat up

    22 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @Wallnutslover123 its like 5 in the morring

    22 days ago
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