Completing 'Luna Driver' to unlock Luna Base in 15 min, costing ~$ 3M.

Start from DSC Bay, wait till flight log shows 'orbit reached'.

Lock on Luna and create burn node with 1340 m/s prograde, then slide the node along orbit to minimize distance of closest encounter.

Shortly after entering Luna's SOI, use burn node in normal / radial direction make fly-by trajectory passing above Luna Base while Periapsis ~100 km, complete the burn and set up another node ~1100 m/s retrograde above the base to enter vertical fall.

AG1 ON, activate stage to release rover, then AG3 & AG4 ON to begin auto landing.

Wait till rover reach surface, quick save, lock on Luna base, AG2 OFF then head towards anti-target (straight towards South).

When driving rover, stay in fast-forward mode to avoid strange behaviour of suspension. If rover went upside-down, AG10 ON and pitch to recover.

Save fuel for climbing steep slope (cliff at crater edge). When climbing, AG8 & AG10 ON to use RCS assist, keep speed below 10 m/s. When clear the cliff, AG10 OFF, quick save then keep heading South till mission completes.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $2,975k
  • Number of Parts: 38
  • Dimensions: 21 m x 6 m x 6 m


  • Total Delta V: 11.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 1.6MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 69,006kg
  • Dry Mass: 6,848kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 2.8km/s 1.4MN 78s 69,006kg
2 1 5.5km/s 186kN 4.0m 14,053kg
3 1 2.8km/s 19kN 4.0m 2,401kg


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    2,940 Frolonov

    @HeartFoam unlock heading should work. Strange input behaviour mostly comes from autopilot. Also try setting physics update frequency to ultra and disable fps spike reduction

    6 months ago
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    @Frolonov I've launched 3 times, and reloaded quicksaves 20 times, I've tried locking to anti-target and to current heading. It was like the rover was targeting two locations. I've landed for the 4th time, simply targeting 'south', and so far not encountering the problems of anti-target.

    Nope. Spoke too soon. It gets to a gentle downhill bit and starts reversing. It's trapped going back and forth. The targeted heading seems to make no difference.

    6 months ago
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    2,940 Frolonov

    @HeartFoam check if you locked heading. Try unlock or lock on current. Wheels should not turn on their own when there's no input

    6 months ago
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    I'm struggling with this. The rover can't move on nearly flat terrain only on battery power. It's gets into a loop of going forward and backward. The only way to overcome this is with fuel, but then I don't have enough to get up the steep climb at the end.

    It even struggles going downhill. It grinds to a halt, starts reversing.

    6 months ago

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