A basic implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a type of cellular automata.

Based on Bluetwinkies' 8x8 display.

Source code implemented in Lizpy


  • Created On: Mac
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $1,525k
  • Number of Parts: 1026
  • Dimensions: 2 m x 7 m x 7 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 3,217kg
  • Dry Mass: 2,165kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    i love the game of life

    2.9 years ago
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    Mod sflanker

    @JoeTheRocketMan unfortunately you are 6 months too late. John Conway passed away this past April at the age of 82.

    4.2 years ago
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    6,743 DMCcorp

    I want to speak to conway

    4.2 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro

    space ship

    4.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    Mod sflanker


    4.2 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    h-how is this vizzy magic p-possible

    4.2 years ago
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    10.4k Sibonitro


    +1 4.2 years ago
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    Mod sflanker

    @zeropol The Lizpy compiler is available via github (sorry you have to build it from source yourself for now; I've looked into producing an installer for Mac and Windows but I haven't gotten it working yet). At some point I want to integrate this as a mod so you can edit flight programs with a text editor in game.

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    373 zeropol

    Lizpy looks useful

    4.2 years ago
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    6,445 Probreyene

    Wow i forgot about this
    This is so big

    4.2 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    Sorry if I don't understand the code :'(
    Otherwise, I love it!

    4.2 years ago
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    Mod sflanker

    Source Code implemented in Lizpy

    (program "conway"
      (comment "This is an implementation of conway's game of life for a 32x32 toroidal grid.")
      (declarel part_ids)
      (declarel game_state_a)
      (declarel game_state_b)
      (declarel last_frame)
      (declare render_a)
      (declare prev_state)
      (declare next_state)
      (declare frame_num)
      (declare row_ix)
      (declare col_ix)
      (declare n_row)
      (declare n_col)
      (declare n_count)
      (declare ix)
      (declare is_live)
        (set! render_a true)
        (for 1 32 1
          (set! row_ix i)
          (for 1 32 1
            (list/add! part_ids (craft/part-id (format "pixel_{0:f0}_{1:f0}" row_ix i)))
            (list/add! game_state_a (if (> (rand 0 1) 0.5) true false))
            (list/add! game_state_b false))
          (list/add! last_frame 0)
          (broadcast! "init-renderer" row_ix))
        (set! prev_state game_state_a)
        (set! next_state game_state_b)
        (set! frame_num 1)
        (while true
          ;; Todo: multithread? painful without local variables.
          (comment "Update the state of all cells.")
          (for 1 32 1
            (set! row_ix i)
            (for 1 32 1
              (set! col_ix i)
              ;; Todo: optimize by keeping some kind of running count as we traverse each row?
              (comment "Count living neighbors")
              (set! n_count 0)
              (for (- row_ix 1) (+ row_ix 1) 1
                (set! n_row (if (< i 1) 32 (if (> i 32) 1 i)))
                (for (- col_ix 1) (+ col_ix 1) 1
                  (set! n_col (if (< i 1) 32 (if (> i 32) 1 i)))
                  (if (and (or (!= row_ix n_row) (!= col_ix n_col))
                           (list/get-item prev_state (+ (* (- n_row 1) 32) n_col)))
                    (set! n_count (+ n_count 1)))))
              (comment "Update the square status")
              (set! ix (+ (* (- row_ix 1) 32) col_ix))
              (set! is_live (list/get-item prev_state ix))
              (if is_live
                (if (and (<= 2 n_count) (<= n_count 3))
                  (list/set-at! next_state ix true)
                  (list/set-at! next_state ix false))
                (if (= n_count 3)
                  (list/set-at! next_state ix true)
                  (list/set-at! next_state ix false)))
          (comment "Swap buffers and trigger the next render pass")
          (if render_a
              (set! render_a false)
              (set! prev_state game_state_b)
              (set! next_state game_state_a))
              (set! render_a true)
              (set! prev_state game_state_a)
              (set! next_state game_state_b)))
          (set! frame_num (+ frame_num 1))
      (on-message-received "init-renderer"
        (while true
          ;; Wait until we're signaled to refresh the screen
          (wait-until (> frame_num (list/get-item last_frame data)))
          (list/set-at! last_frame data frame_num)
          (for (+ (* (- data 1) 32) 1) (+ (* (- data 1) 32) 32) 1
              (list/get-item part_ids i)
              (list/get-item prev_state i)))))
        (comment "a log instruction that can be helpful for debugging. \"i\" and \"data\" need to be replaced with local variables")
        (console/log (format "{0:0}.{1:0} ({2}) - {3}" "data" "i" (list/get-item part_ids "i") (list/get-item prev_state "i"))))

    I apologize for SimpleRockets.com's cursed markdown processing.

    +5 4.2 years ago


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