Big Thanks to XionmassResearchdev for motavating me to move forward and to not give up


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $40,296k
  • Number of Parts: 79
  • Dimensions: 45 m x 7 m x 7 m


  • Total Delta V: 9.4km/s
  • Total Thrust: 5.0MN
  • Engines: 8
  • Wet Mass: 1.62E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 31,193kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 5 2.4km/s 3.9MN 77s 1.62E+5kg
3 1 2.6km/s 539kN 3.4m 68,203kg
5 1 2.9km/s 539kN 59s 18,558kg
7 1 1.5km/s 61kN 89s 4,361kg


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    @Raoulsueee sure

    12 days ago
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    @Gabriel1347 oh ok just check my profile post and you’ll see it

    12 days ago
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    @Raoulsueee I does not take the person that wants to see you’re craft to you’re craft

    13 days ago
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    @Gabriel1347 what do you mean?

    13 days ago
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    @Raoulsueee just so you know the link does not take us to you’re bomber

    17 days ago
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    @Everyone check out my B-2 bomber

    17 days ago
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    195 alves87


    22 days ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt 👍

    +1 26 days ago
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    @Gabriel1347 well i don't have suggestions. But sometimes my crafts kinda design them selves. Like, idk what to build but start with a cabin or cockpit custom design. Then if its a plane . I do whatever works to make it fly good to its proportions. So thats how i make stuff and unique. Also during day, whatever encourage you, like inspiration. From a movie, toy, or just trying to get something specific done in game

    29 days ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt thanks:)

    one month ago
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    @Gabriel1347 we are friends. And part of the juno family

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt want to be friends?

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt thanks!! Do you have a suggestion on a aanother craft?

    one month ago
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    @Gabriel1347 i like it , do more rockets and cargo. Move on , get a collection going. And learn as you go:) feel gree to ask , ill try but definitely don't know everything especially anything about vizzy or getting to planets properly. Or you can re upload this as a v2 or something if you want to improve on it then maybe move on. But big part is enjoy building testing, failing! And exploring

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt I also wonder if I can make the satélite dish out of something else then an inlet because I can’t color the inside of the dish. Have any suggestions?

    one month ago
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    Both. Craft as in each part their textures . And the settings in game under quality tab then craft on high . Rest doesn't matter as much but can make your gaming experience better or quality of graphics better.

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt I added cameras because you thought it was missing something

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt game settings or craft settings?

    one month ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt thanks for the advice

    one month ago
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    Actually i flew this to orbit. Very nice all around, maybe better no texture options. Other than that . Its basically perfect, 👌 and im just giving advice so you can get others attention better . Im not as picky. But there are certain things most everyone looks for.. this has a nice satellite, 📡 and has plenty of fuel. Dax would like send a different sat in orbit daily. This is a requested thing throughout this site time to time

    one month ago
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    Turn on in your settings craft details high. Or you wont see the texture on crafts as you build or see others. If need . Turn down water detail or something to compromise, depends on your device. I suggest no texture on parts as you build. Its at bottom of part info tab . Ill fly the rocket. Its been a while since i have anyway. But very nice to mention me. But unfortunately im not the most liked person here either. Not even a but very few like me honestly and some tolerant me.

    one month ago
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    2,063 macielc567


    one month ago


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