The SSU has a major satellite it plans to mass produce, the StarSat. This satellite is going to play a major role in communications and GPS systems to make communications as worldwide and cheap as possible. These 1.8 ton satellites are a whole 2 meters in diameter, making them pretty big for a radio sats. These 2 are the first generation of StarSats, and the SSU plans to improve the StarSat as more are launched.
Launch: the SSU has 2 plans: the first plan is to use a Bravo 1. However, the second plan is to actually use Fusion Space to launch the StarSats as a rideshare on a Fusion 2 rocket. If we can work it out, the second plan is what the SSU is planning to do.
Future missions will be using a Bravo 1 but when it Is more reliable than right now.
Stay tuned for more!