Auto Credit Based on Heady978's X-4 Super Arrow

Hypersonic & high altitude drone.

This is a drag improved version of "X-4 Super Arrow" which features backwards inlets for best performance.

- deleted outer nose cone and moved the backwards inlets into the engines. Thus reducing from 5 to 3 fuselages.
- changed wing thickness from 0.2m to 0.1m
- reduced width of mid fuselage from 2 to 1, which halfes fuel capacity
- redesing of tail section to get the same nose cone as the front and getting new fuel capacity symetric to center of mass.
- optimizing Vizzy into 3 threads. "heat warning", "flight plan" and "flight log"

Hitting the activation group 5 on DSC Eastward Runway now brings the craft in
20mins to 40127m ASL with a speed of 1725m/s(Mach 5.06) and the cuts the thrust to 80% with pitch to 15°.
(With the saved fuel capacity! 1.08t in front and back)
So after 20mins you are on your own, but the craft will continue to fly under these conditions for hours without interaction. Some data points:
60min 1733m/s(5.08Mach) 40319m ASL
85min 1736 m/s(5.09Mach) 40.996m ASL over DSC & still 2h Burn Time
120min 1745m/s(5.12Mach) 40745m ASL 13100km flight distance
164min 1752m/s(5.14Mach) 41379m ASL 2. time DSC & still 1h Burn Time 18000km flight distance -> i decided to raise thrust to 81%
3h 1770m/s(5.19Mach) 41552m ASL 20000km flight distance
3.5h 1785m/s(5.23Mach) 42701m ASL

As the X-4C now started to gain more and more altitude and getting cooler i raised slowly thrust up to 95% which ends in 47328m ASL with Mach 5.53, then it flipped over, got into a flat spin. I could recover at 13.000m ASL but with only 1% fuel left. But it is a very good sailplane and landed in ali base.

So it is more efficient than X-4 Super Arrow and still easy to fly but as before, be careful:
- lot of thrust & low drag causes heat issues at any time
- 100% thrust could melt this thing in 1 Minute from standing on runway
- hard turns at low altitudes with supersonic speeds will break this thing into pieces
- now it only needs 80% thrust to go Mach 5+ @40000m (Afterburner off)

As flying supersonic without afterburners is supercruise, flying hypersonic without afterburners is hypercruise? :D

Flight Log Vizzy just logs every 10 seconds:
- Latheral Speed in m/s
- Airspeed in Mach
- Altitude ASL in m
- Heat percentage of right wing (part 11) before taking heat damage. 0% are 0K and 100% are 1000K. So stay below 100%!
- Flighttime

... and yes, there is an X-4B Super Arrow. I tried to integrate the tail section into the wings, but it leads to poorer performance. Wobbly instable flight, high angle of attack to get high altitudes or not getting high altitudes at all.


  • Predecessor: X-4 Super Arrow
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $72,421k
  • Number of Parts: 20
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 17 m x 27 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 35,442kg
  • Dry Mass: 26,450kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 0s 35,442kg

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