it is a ficticional 1915-1916 bomber, it is made off of the fuselage of a large single engine twin seater, given larger wings, a nose gun for self defense, and bombracks.
1- it feels stable but it isnt, if you ever stop trying to correct it, the nose will wander around and drift to one side, make sure to check if you-re still going the direction you want to go every like 10 seconds.
2-absolutely do not use ailerons during landing, climbs or low airspeed descents, turn with rudder instead.
3-to land set pitch to around 10-20% and adjust descent rate with throttle, if you are too high throttle down, if you are too low throttle up, when some 10m near the ground lower throttle by around 10-15% and flare by pitching up slowly, touch down on the 2 main wheels and let the tail go down by itself.
4-staging drops the bombs, they are wildly innacurate and meant to cover a large area.
scrongulous ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️