Nasa Opportunity Mars Rover
So here it is, Opportunity! and Spirit I guess as they are the same exact rover, but only one can exist and it lives here.
I know it's too heavy, but even when reducing the weight of almost every part, it's still 2~3 times too heavy. I guess the game is just not made of small parts.
To deploy, well easy, activate all AG one by one. better to have brakes on while deploying.
- Successors 3 craft(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Price: $1,497k
- Number of Parts: 146
- Dimensions: 1 m x 1 m x 1 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 0N
- Engines: 0
- Wet Mass: 281kg
- Dry Mass: 245kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
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21.9k AramL
@DaffaMaulana from memory I'd say pitch down so "w" but I don't remember it should be one of the WQSD. It might also be throttle
345 Errol
I'm sorry I forgot to put the link to the video here for some reason, sorry.
Here's a link to the video. -
345 Errol
@Mrmaraunet but where I can find you?
Or just leave the link here.
By the way,I don't think I can finish the vidoe during the school time.It will take me some times to finish it.May be few weeks.I will @you at that time. -
345 Errol
May I use it to make a video in bilibili?I will sign you ID in the video and Introduction.
@divyamsolucky29 I don't remember but probably pitch down or throttle. It might be broken too