165 000 + km of range, seats for 18. As far as i know, there is no other craft on the website that has been constructed to fly even close to that. Thanks to some propeller trickery, i am able to create a craft that is stupid efficient. This aircraft features an autopilot system, based off the program created by @BenjaminK. It could not have been possible to achieve such efficiency without his work. It can fly over 17km. The jet engines and their control program was entirely designed by me, as well as the wings and the rest of the aircraft.
This plane is complicated, its why it has 420 something parts.
AG 1: Follow the on screen instructions to engage the autopilot
AG 2: heading hold
AG 3: speed hold
AG 4: landing lights
AG 5: night lights, only serve so that you can see the rest of the plane at night
AG 6: Enables the engines to spool to the required 6000RPM in order to function with out disintergrating.
AG 7: input panel. This allows you to access extra action groups that i did not have enough numbers for, such as AG 11, AG 12, AG 13.
AG 8: Landing Gear
AG 9: Strobe Lights
AG 10: Nav Lights
Extra Action Groups: (accessed via input panel or AG 7)
AG 11: This changes how aggressively the jet engines react to changes in the propeller RPM, with too little input, the RPM can oscillate, potentially causing damage to the engines. This can also be caused by too much time-warp. a greater value results in a smoother engine operation, but it will cause the engine to not have as much peak-thrust.
Ag 12: activates solar panels, battery will drain faster than fuel, so stop overs will need to occur in order to recharge batteries.
AG 13: activates generator EAPU. In situations where you have run out of electric charge and cant land to use the solar panels, activate the generator immediately, it might just save your aircraft, as most of the control surfaces need power to operate, even the landing gear, and without vizzy, the engines could self-destruct.
Slider 1: Fowler Flaps, ailerons also move with the flaps.
Slider 2: Trim control. (autopilot takes control of this slider when engaged.)
Slider 3: Vertical speed multiplier. By default the lera will ascend 25m/s and descend at -20m/s. By reducing the slider value, you change the ascent/ descent rate. I.e. when the slider is set to -50% when ascending you will ascend at.
Slider 4: Nothing :)
optimal cruise speeds 270-290m/s @ 16 - 17.5km
For 165k km, fly at 17km, at 275m/s, the predicted range will be shown at top, as well as indicated airspeed, which is calculated automatically.
Stall speed on full load fuel: 59-60m/s IAS
This took so long to complete, and many different developments led up to this creation. From electric propellers to a full on engine type that i don't even know what to call yet.
It has everything, night vision camera, all the lights you could need, cheap cost, ~$1.5-$1.6m, relatively infinite range, sturdy landing gear, short stopping distance, a gentle autopilot so you don't have to micromanage your plane as it flies, its the perfect career-compatible tool for doing any contract somewhat related. The vizzy code is complicated, there is no way i can explain it all, but the stuff i have made i have tried to make as easy to understand as possible.
Safe flying!!!
No game-changing or performance enhancing cheats such as 'do not include in drag' 'part scale' 'price scale' 'mass scale' etc was used. Part collisions were disabled in some cases such as the landing gear and the flaps to ease some lag and improve aesthetics, they did not improve the performance of the aircraft.
No XML was used.
It is fully compatible in career mode, and this is good enough for me.
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3,814 OrbitalSailorsAerospace
@Welliedowner me or you?
(English isn't my native language, sorry) -
779 Welliedowner
@OrbitalSailorsAerospace oops that sounded a bit rude i just realized
779 Welliedowner
noice, im working on much bigger and more efficient engines, im seeing just how far i can push the technology
3,814 OrbitalSailorsAerospace
@Welliedowner yes and no, i missed a word there hahaha
Meant to say i couldn't download it now because i was on my phone
I do have Juno on PC tho so when i inevitably start procrastinating on my project I'll definitely test it out -
3,814 OrbitalSailorsAerospace
Can't download it but from what you said on the juno discord this is pretty amazing
779 Welliedowner
@OrbitalSailorsAerospace how come you cant download? Mobile or something? And thank you very much mister!
@OrbitalSailorsAerospace me, ur all good, it really isnt that bad m8 ur fine as far as i can tell