Nothing special, just a rocket and a smidge more delta V needed to acheive orbit. Perhaps somebody can find exactly how much you need, but ill leave it to testing this rocket out.
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8,458 crowxe
This issue also concerned me for a long time, and still does. It bugs me that we need 3450 for orbital speed and a whole 1000 for the atmosphere I was never able to send to even the lowest orbit (58km) with less than 4500 of delta V , I think for bigger heavier rockets that wasted delta V is less (a rocket 3 times taller is 27 times heavier but 9 times more cross section area) on the moon with no atmosphere you'd probably need a tiny bit more delta V than orbital velocity
547 TopSecret2
@Insanity That depends on what gravity turn you use. More vertical velocity= more time to plan rendezvousing and less time spent flying through atmosphere. More lateral= Faster orbital entrance but longer time to leave atmosphere.
My 3 stage rocket at a weight of 4980kgs has more delta v than that, and at much less cost! $507k! I win.