Auto Credit Based on NASAX's Altaries - 1

A rocket that is Inspired by The Vega Series

1st stage : Booster
2nd Stage : Orbiter and Beyond
3rd Stage : Beyond+

Booster : Parachutes and Land in The Water
2nd Stage : Deorbit and Crash it at an Ocean
3rd Stage : Deorbit and Crash it at an Ocean
{ Noted : They are Very Sturdy,so it's fine }

Improvement's :

  • 3rd Stage Received a Metholox Engine
  • Plus 25 more Tons on Capability

{Cabality 100 - 875 Tons To Anywhere}
Not Recommend to Get Close or Over the Maximum Limit

Please Read this Part :
{ Noted that this is an Unsafe craft IF put at at very High Angle like 78° }
( Recommend: 0 - 84° )

{ Please Follow these Instructions to Insure Safety of The Flight }

Fact: This Thing WILL break the game in a good way And a Bad Way......

Good Way:
After launch during my testing in Orbit it grouped up all the camera's On LEOS Despite Me Only CONTROLLING one Single Satellite...

Bad Way:
It sometimes make's a False Warning Message saying that is Missing a Monopropellant Fuel Source but In reality there is.


  • Predecessor: Altaries - 1
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $170,667k
  • Number of Parts: 148
  • Dimensions: 75 m x 11 m x 22 m


  • Total Delta V: 7.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 72.9MN
  • Engines: 8
  • Wet Mass: 7.85E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.16E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 2.5km/s 54.1MN 21s 7.85E+5kg
2 1 2.4km/s 7.6MN 64s 2.93E+5kg
5 1 1.3km/s 8.8MN 22s 1.92E+5kg
6 1 1.0km/s 2.1MN 68s 1.66E+5kg

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