The biggest Eriflug plane yet!
After a while of testing stuff, the Eriflug-5Mega is ready for you to use for your own airline!
It has a 2 meter wide and 6 meter long cargo bay and a small place at the front for the crew, can take of at any runway(minus the Juno Village runway).
Like the Eriflug-4NGP, don't go to fast while desending as the wings could wrip off.
Thank you for all those who downloaded and upvoted my crafts, it was you people who made me improve my crafts and feedback is a key player in this, without your tips for me all new crafts that i make would look way worse and may have not existed, thank you and have fun with this plane!
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660 Buddycat
what's your favourite planet mine's probably urodos, tydos or vulco, probably tydos. :]
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Could you follow Apollo315 please.