this aircraft is based on the f16 but better and it is an 5th generation air superiority day fighter with a speed around mach 2 and high manuverabillity this viper is going to be one of the most feared air superiority day fighter if it would be real I plan on making an air refueling nozzle on each of my 5th generation fighters and have a great day to you all
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637 Aviationguy771
@Reberbri @PanzerTeam23 @ZeusSpaceAgency and to all ppl who downloads all my builds im planing to release the bete v3 of the yf28 strike hawk it has more missle bays and thrust vectoring my 1st thrust vector jet
637 Aviationguy771
@PanzerTeam23 i am also working for new displays/screens for each of my 4 fighter jets 2 of them are finished
509 PanzerTeam1
Also yesterday I released a commercial jetliner, try check it out
637 Aviationguy771
@Reberbri @PanzerTeam23 @ZeusSpaceAgency and to everyone heres the king viper
@Reberbri @PanzerTeam23 @ZeusSpaceAgency i forgot to tell you guys the 2 newest planes i released heres the links and