We all know about the Corona virus. Many countries are making Vccines to stop the spread of the virus.
This is the replica of "COVAXIN", the vaccine which has been made by Bharat Biotech in India, Unlike the Covishield, the Covaxin is produced faster with more efficiency.
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8,429 General98Ishaan
@ILoveSpaceALot Ya, even I thought about that but, did'nt do it ! Lol
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
I have a great idea! Why not put an engine on the bottle and pretend it’s powered by COVID-19 vaccines!
4,265 kittman
I just got my 2nd jab this morning! yay
@Thesaturnaerospace I've figured out how they are really "installing" the chip. It's not the actual injection, it's when someone checks your temp by pointing that thermometer gizmo at your forehead. It's beamed directly into your brain. heh
🤪 -
2,933 ThesaturnaerospaceRedo
this is how you inject chips into my body! absolutley disgusting and will report for promoting the poision! (for the record this is a joke, im not an antivaxxer lol)
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@General98Ishaan enough for the whole nation's immunity 😂