Neptune’s Ferry 7 and Booster 4. Comes with cargo bay to deliver a Demonstration Satellite for the UK Space Agency. I’ve stopped doing the descriptions as a story for two reasons: 1. Because the game has crashed when i’ve clicked ‘upload’ and i’ve had to rewrite a 30-minute script twice, and I want to make a proper story for the company, starting with Tsiolkovsky, Moving to Nexus, constellations and space stations, and eventually, Neptune. Because we want CyberSpace to be a real thing, we have a basic roadmap and we want to follow that on this site. We want to do test flights, constellation missions, private missions, space station missions and crew missions in the order our roadmap says we will (roughly). So in the coming weeks, there will be a lot more forum posts from me.



  • Total Delta V: 50.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 70.4MN
  • Engines: 86
  • Wet Mass: 2.53E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.36E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 66 47.2km/s 54.4MN 2.7m 2.53E+6kg
2 12 1.5km/s 10.2MN 5.1m 2.53E+6kg
3 7 1.5km/s 5.7MN 8.7m 2.53E+6kg

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