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Dedicated Luna Unmanned Research and Geographical Analysis Mission

Mission Overview

The mission aims to perform comprehensive research and geographical analysis of the lunar surface using an advanced orbiter, lander, and rover system. Each component is equipped with specialized instruments to maximize scientific output.

Orbiter Weight: 7.27 tons
Lander Weight: 4.34 tons
Rover: Weight: 813 kg


Mapping the lunar surface, relaying communications, and conducting scientific observations from lunar orbit & Safely transporting the rover to the lunar surface and deploying various instruments and antennas.

Control Mechanisms


1. Slider 1 - Ground Antenna Deployment
2. Slider 2 -Lander & Rover Antenna
3. Slider 3 -Lander to Rover Antenna Deployment


1. Slider 3: Ramp deployment
2. Slider 2: Antenna extension
3. Slider 3: Camera extension
4. Slider 1: Camera deployment
5. Slider 2: Camera rotation


1. Slider 1: Solar panel deployment
2. Slider 1: Camera and antenna control (same as lander)
3. Slider 1: Ground Penetration Radar deployment
4. Slider 2: Soil Analyzer use

Mission Goals:

The mission is dedicated to unmanned research and geographical analysis of the lunar surface. Key objectives include:

Mapping Surface Features:

Creating detailed maps of the lunar terrain using high-resolution cameras and sensors.

Soil Composition Analysis: Collecting and analyzing soil samples to understand the moon’s geology.

Subsurface Exploration: Studying the structure beneath the lunar surface using ground-penetrating radar.

Solar Observations: Powering instruments and gathering data on solar radiation using solar panels.

Control Mechanisms: The various control sliders for deployment and operation of antennas, cameras, and scientific instruments ensure precise and efficient functioning of the orbiter, lander, and rover.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $23,954k
  • Number of Parts: 179
  • Dimensions: 37 m x 5 m x 10 m


  • Total Delta V: 7.8km/s
  • Total Thrust: 4.8MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 2.68E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 27,781kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 5.2km/s 4.6MN 3.4m 2.68E+5kg
4 1 1.0km/s 70kN 5.1m 22,901kg
6 1 1.6km/s 46kN 5.9m 12,420kg
9 0 0m/s 0N 0s 7,062kg

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