I initially started with a more complicated suspension design but it was prettty fragile and took up a huge part count which was against my goal that is to keep the part count as low as possible. I then changed it to a more simple and lower part count but it's still a good stable design, able to carry a lot more weight than expected. So here's the Compact Rover Mk3.2. (not so compact edition) This beauty can handle the bumpy terrain pretty well for its sheer weight of 2 tons. (a secret between us, some tweaks has been done to the weight distribution. i felt that the origional weight of nearly 7 tons was over exaggerated for its size) its top speed is roughly 64 m/s and can take turns pretty well without the worries of turning this baby over. There is a single drouge chute with an additional 2 large chutes for those "air drop" procedures. the cockpit had two standard large mdf screens with a few labeled switches for each fuction on the rover. Use the roll controls to turn (Turing won't activate till you enable AG1.motor) use slider 1 to control the throttle and enjoy launching this beauty
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