While this may be my smallest craft ever; it is certainly my craziest. After two straight hours of work I created this. While it does not carry payloads, it is one of the only non-tinkered crafts out there that can complete the Low-Orbit Challenge. It can go to a 500 km orbit if you are careful.
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4,813 TweedleAerospace
@VosAerospace I will I am about to take finals. I don’t have any time till Sunday. Please, give me time.
25.7k VosAerospace
@Tweedle_Aerospace Would you consider contributing to the VA 10K fund
25.7k VosAerospace
I think ima upvote all of your posts - at least get you to 1K if not more
4,813 TweedleAerospace
@Tweedle_Aerospace me; groans after realizing I hit 800 and am getting close to 1000 even though I am not ready.
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@Tweedle_Aerospace Oh sorry abt that- Forgot. Take your time, and good luck!